Monday, October 6, 2014

Upgrading PeopleTools with Zero Downtime (2/3)

Continuing with my previous blog entry, the requirement from our customer was to be able to move users back and forth between the old and new PeopleTools releases until the latter was stabilised.

This naturally required both PeopleTools versions to coexist. Now, as you know, you cannot just install the new PeopleTools release binaries and point them to the new release. Each PeopleTools release can only connect to a database for which the PSSTATUS.TOOLSREL field contains the corresponding version value. But this is not the only problem, also part of the data model and values on the tables changes from one PeopleTools version to the other.

Therefore, we needed a database for each PeopleTools release, with its full stack of Application Server, Web Server, Process Scheduler, etc. The idea was to give users either the new or the old URL to access the environment, being able to rapidly switch from one instance to the other. Now, in order to maintain the data in sync between both instances, we needed to implement some kind of data replication between them, which should only cover the tables not impacted by the PeopleTools upgrade process.

There are a couple of ways in which the PeopleTools tables could be identified. For instance, the PPLTLS84CUR project may probably contain all of them. Another source could be the mvprdexp.dms script. Instead of using those methods, we decided to search for the impacted tables using a regular expression search tool by looking at the logs and traces of the PeopleTools upgrade done again a copy of the Demo environment. Although it required more work, and a few test iterations until we got it right, it allowed us to keep the number of non-replicated tables to a minimum.

When we finally got a list of tables, we let the key user know which functionalities would not be shared by both environments. As it turned out, Process Monitor, Query or Report Manager would need to be used separately. Fortunately enough, those functionalities did not pose a big issue from an user perspective, so we could move forward.

The next step was to decide which replication method we would use. Both databases were Oracle, although on different versions (no version was supported by both PeopleTools releases) (*). For many of the tables, we needed a bidirectional replication, as users were expected to enter transactions in any of the two environments.

There are many products and solutions that provide data replication with Oracle databases. We finally opted for a very simple one, which is not strictly replication: Oracle DB Link. We kept the application tables in the old PeopleTools instance, and then replaced the same tables in the new PeopleTools instance by synonyms pointing to the other instance using the DB Link. Once the new PeopleTools release was stabilised, we would move the physical tables to the target instance and create the DB Link on the other side.

Once we implemented this approach, we started testing. During testing, we faced some challenges, but we will cover them in the next and final post.

(*) This was unlucky. If we were using the same database version, we could have used a different schema for each PeopleTools release, and instead of creating a DB Link, we could have just used synonyms and avoid some of the issues brought by DB Links.

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